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Conservation Commission Agendas 06/05/2018
Agenda for the Conservation Commission Meeting of June 5, 2018
at Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Call to order

Members present

Acceptance of the Minutes of the previous meeting

Reports from members
Tom- solar installation at schools, Harold Thompson response to the Conservation Commission’s proposal to kick start the 2020 Plan of Conservation and Development

Maureen Plumleigh- community partnerships, article for town quarterly report, library and trashin” fashion, church events, plastic bags at Big Y, Conservation Commission handouts,other

Maureen Haseley-Jones- reports from ShorelineDemocratic Women’s League, Joe Courtney- EPA letter, radio broadcast, articles for publication,
Formica response re medical savings program for elderly, Rogers Lake plantings

George- check for Linda, open space commission, trails day, other

Six Netflix Investigative reports under the title of “ROTTEN”
  • Fishing Industry 2. Diary Industry,3. Poultry Industry 4. Bees in agriculture 5.peanuts production  6. Garlic production

Respectfully submitted, George James, secretary